Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tall, Grande or Venti!

I work in Starbucks now! Well kind of. Here on the ship there is a Starbucks (the first in West Africa) I believe Starbucks donates the supplies and we have the espresso machine/steamer and blenders! On my night shifts last weekend a fellow crew member opened up Starbucks two out o the four nights we were working. It felt like such a blessing to have a change to grab a frosty frappuccino at midnight! The costs of the beverages are 50 cents to a $1. So feeding a coffee addiction here on board is not a problem! 

The Starbucks is run by volunteers in the evenings and at midnight. Anyone on board can ask for an orientation from the Sales team (they run the Starbucks during the Day and the Ship Shop). After our night shift Crystal and I (Crystal is my roommate, well actually my Bunk mate) arranged our orientation. It was lots of fun practicing and learning on the drinks! Then this Past Friday we opened the cafĂ© for the first time! Using the Steamer machine was a little scary but all of the drinks we made worked out perfectly! The cash register was the hardest thing to figure out! 

We hope to open the Starbucks a couple times for the night staff! I am not too sure I’m ready to volunteer for the evening rush! Maybe in a month or so! So yes, as one is Volunteering on Mercy Ships, on our off days and down time we do find other things to volunteer for! I’m not too sure if Starbucks would take me on in Canada, but hey at least I now know the difference between a Cappuccino and a Latte!
Our fellow Cabin Roommate Thelma, Happy with her Latte!
The Ships Starbucks!

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