Monday, January 21, 2013

First Time in Asia!

Today I arrived in Singapore! My flight connected through Malaysia, it was a small airport with lots of action! And a great candy bar! 

Once I arrived into Singapore I made my way to the hostel and was pleasantly surprised! It cost half as much and had twice the amenities then any of the Australasian hostel! I’ve explored a bit of Little India! Surprisingly TimTams (aussi cookies) cost 1.5$ a pack! At the airport they were selling them for $6!! Oh and an Aussi band beer is only $7 here rather than $10 back in Australia at the brewery!! So needless to say Australia is a tad over priced! Also I bought a 8 gb SD card for only $9. 

Walking around the streets I loved all the odd smells coming from restaurants and all the little shops. Of course people see me as a target and would come right at me trying to get me to eat at their restaurant or buy from their store. One fellow was dressed in a Safari outfit for his African themed restaurant! I bought a mango soy milk beverage, it was odd but cold so enjoyable and then for my dinner I had a great Pad Tia! It was the best Pad Tia I have ever had! Here in Singapore food carts have been banned so all the food stalls have been pushed into food court type areas. The malls have chain restaurants and the random alleyways have the food courts where all the locals eat! I sat in front of a stall that was selling kidney soup, snout soup, intestine soup, and ball soup (I don’t think they meant meat balls!) it was interesting, im not sure if ill try one before I leave, I may stick to chow main and dumplings. Anyway that’s just a quick blog about my first day in Singapore. 

I love being in a new country and it is so Affordable! Im looking forward to my 4 days that I have left here in Singapore!

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